UC Berkeley
Distributed Energy Resource Project Manager
(0247U) Facilities Services
The DER PM plays a crucial role in helping UCB’s efforts in becoming a fully electrified campus in meeting its and the UC Office of the President (UCOP) Net Carbon Neutrality goals.
This position would work closely with the Utilities Engineering manager, electrical engineers, Director of Sustainability, and Capital Projects (CP) department. DERs will be essential to UCB’s transition to full electrification, and successful integration to existing electrical distribution systems will be paramount. Manage RFPs, PPAs, contracting, oversee implementation/installations of DERs, documentation for tax credits, and manage costs.
Please refer to posting link for full details.
1800 West Park Drive, Suite 350
Westborough, MA 01581 USA
Phone +1 (508) 366-9339
Fax +1 (508) 366-0019
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