Best Practices in District Energy

Verification and Validation of Best Practices in District Energy

For enhanced resiliency, efficiency, and carbon reduction

District energy provides efficient, reliable, resilient, and sustainable energy to our communities. In 2020, IDEA participated in a cooperative agreement with the US Department of Energy to study and catalogue best practices from across the industry. Results of that study will be published on this page over the course of 2023.

Over the last two years, the project team has worked with representatives from over 40 member sites to identify operational, engineering, and financial best practices, which are now available to read. The website includes interactive maps, case studies, a directory of subject matter experts, and a Thermal Energy Storage handbook. IDEA will also be publishing a series of podcasts and webinars, along with the final project Report on this page.

This work was funded by the US Department of Energy Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy, Advanced Manufacturing & Industrial Decarbonization Office under cooperative agreement number DE-EE0009142: "Verification and Validation of Performance with Dissemination of Best Practices in District Energy and CHP for Enhanced Resiliency, Energy Efficiency and Cybersecurity." 

EERE Advanced Materials & Manufacturing Technologies Office Summer  Internships

Explore best practices through a series of maps

Read full cases collected through the study.

Contact experts in each of the best practice areas.