Main Program Presentation Guidelines

Main Program Presentation Guidelines


Thank you for participating as a main program presenter at IDEA2024. Here, you will find the necessary resources to enable a seamless presentation.

Thank you for agreeing to speak at IDEA2024.

You are scheduled to be a presenter during the IDEA2024 Main Conference. This means you will be speaking on either Tuesday, June 18 or Wednesday, June 19. Please consult the Preliminary Conference Program for the date/time you are scheduled to speak.

This Speaker Resource Page is designed to give you a “one-stop shopping” guide for everything you need to know or consider before you step on to the podium in at the Renaissance Orlando at SeaWorld.. 

Please bookmark this webpage as any pertinent updates will be made here, though any important updates will be sent as emails as well.

If, at any point, you have any edits to the session title or the presenter(s) associated with your session, please contact Jason Beal or Emily Riskalla at as soon as possible.

Onsite Logistics

You’ve completed your PPT. You’ve recorded the video. Now you just have to get up on stage and give your presentation. Here’s what you need to know.

Speaker and Moderator Orientation Meeting
Palani Room, Second Floor

On the day you are scheduled to speak at IDEA2024 (either Tuesday or Wednesday), you are required to attend the Speaker and Moderator Orientation Meeting at 7:00am (with a delicious free breakfast) in the Palani Room, second floor of the hotel.

In the Speaker Orientation Meeting, you will meet the moderator for your session and review last-minute session logistics with IDEA Staff members Emily Riskalla and Jason Beal. We look forward to seeing you there!

Meeting Room Logistics

Main Program Presentations will take place in one of four or five concurrent meeting rooms, depending on the day. The room name for each presentation is included in the conference program and in the Event App.

The room set for all main conference presentation rooms is the same; presenter(s) at the front of the room, on stage, speaking from a mic’d podium. A 6' table will also be on stage for presentations with multiple presenters, allowing them to sit while waiting for their turn to speak.

At the podium will be an IDEA laptop with the PPT presentation you sent to us preloaded on it. The room will also include a screen and microphone in the middle of the room for audience questions. 

Each session track has a moderator who will do a quick intro of the session and speakers. To save time, your full bio will not be read as people can read it in the app. An AV tech and an IDEA staff member will also be on hand to assist when needed.

IDEA divides the program into session tracks, which are blocks of time in which multiple presentations on the same topic are given over that period of time. IDEA asks that the speaker(s) for each presentation be present in the room at the beginning of their time block, ready to go on stage when it is time for their presentation to begin.

Please remember - sessions are 25 minutes long; 18-20 minutes for your presentation and 5-7 minutes for questions. The moderator will field questions from the audience.

Download Conference Logo

Important Presenter Deadlines

Prerecorded Video Submission Deadline -
Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Previous Deadlines

Submit Signed Speaker Contract
Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Registration & Payment Deadline -
Friday, April 12, 2024

PowerPoint & PDF Presentation Submission Deadline -
Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Speaker Contract

Promote Your Session on Social Media

You're speaking at IDEA2024 - it's time to let everyone know!

We highly recommend promoting your participation to your networks through the wide variety of media options available to you.(website, blog, social media)

Below are examples of text you can use to promote your participation at the event. Feel free to edit as you see fit. If posting to social media,  post as often as you'd like (we suggest no more than once a week).

If you have a graphic designer on staff, feel free to download the following graphics to the right and edit to include your session title/speaker photo. 

Visit the IDEA Social Media Page for helpful hints on how to promote your session.

If you need assistance, please contact Jason Beal at

Prerecord Video

IDEA has put together a helpful How to Record Your Presentation Using Zoom cheat sheet for your review. If you have questions about how to record your session, please contact Jason Beal at (please note, these instructions are from 2023, but still valid).

Deadline to Submit, Wednesday, June  5

As we have done for the past four Annual conferences, we are asking that main program presenters provide a prerecorded video of their presentation (in mp4 format) as well. The video is due by Wednesday, June  5. The video will be made available post-conference in our streaming platform, only accessible by attendees.

Do not record your video until IDEA has approved your PPT/PDF presentation.

Once your presentation materials and/or slides are uploaded, they will be reviewed and (barring any issues with content) approved by IDEA ASAP.

Why do I need to submit a video recording?

Recording your presentation increases your visibility with registered conference attendees. Simply put, there are up to 5 sessions taking place at the same time as your presentation. This means that some attendees will miss your presentation. By providing a video recording of your session, attendees can go back post conference and see what they missed for at least a year after your presentation.

Due to the potential hazards associated with livestreaming, video recording is the most reliable and effective way to get your content to our online audience.

How Do I Record A Video? 

Your video does not have to be a Spielberg production. We have found that scheduling a Zoom meeting between presenters (or recording a meeting with yourself if you are a single presenter), while sharing your slides is the easiest way to do this (Microsoft Teams can be used as well, as can recording directly in PowerPoint). Hundreds of speakers have successfully produced session recordings over the past four years, often finding it a helpful ‘dry run’ for their presentation.

IDEA has put together a helpful How to Record Your Presentation Using Zoom cheat sheet for your review. If you have questions about how to record your session, please contact Jason Beal at

Submitting Your Video File

When your video presentation is complete, please send to IDEA via the IDEA WeTransfer link.

When uploading your presentation, please name the files with your session ID and last names of speakers (for example; 5B1-Beal).

If you are having any issues uploading via WeTransfer, you can submit via the Speaker Resources Center. Please contact Jason Beal at with any issues.

If you have to use the Speaker Resources Center, please use following the instructions below.

  • Clink on the speaker resources link, then Log In in the top right corner.
  • You will be prompted to enter your name and email address.
  • You will receive a verification code via email to complete the login process  
  • Once you log in, click on “My tasks” in the upper right corner. There, you will see the outstanding tasks awaiting you. This includes uploading a video of your presentation. 
  • Click on the task assignment to upload the files. 

Creating Your PowerPoint and PDF

IDEA must receive your presentation files by Wednesday, May 15, 2024, so that we can review and approve your content.

Content Requirements:

  • Case studies and project data must be included. Please present technologies, equipment, tools, etc. within the context/application of a case study/project.
  • NO COMMERCIAL CONTENT ALLOWED (e.g. equipment/product cut sheets, product catalogs, company profiles, “About Us” slides, marketing slides)
  • No speaker photos. Speaker photos and bios will be made available on the CampusEnergy2024 website and event app.
  • No comparisons to other vendors’ and/or competitors’ products.

 PowerPoint Format Requirements:

  • IDEA recommends using the IDEA2024 PowerPoint Template for your presentation. While you are not required to use it, please refer to it as it does map out the flow of the presentation.
  • Whether you use the template or not, we ask that your presentation slides begin with the first slide in the template deck (the slide including the meeting image).
  • PPT should be in 16:9 widescreen presentation ratio.
  • Font size on slides should be no smaller than 25 pt.
  • Slide content must be presented and written in English.
  • Your presentation is slotted for a total of 25 minutes. Please plan for 18-20 minutes of presentation and 5 minutes of Q&A with the audience, this should amount to 20-25 slides including:
    • The first slide in the template should be the first slide in all presentations.
    • The second slide should include your presentation title, company name(s) and logo(s), and name of the speaker(s)
    • One or more slides introducing the problem
    • Solution slides featuring a Case Study/Project
    • Lessons Learned
    • A “Q&A” Slide (see second-to-last slide in attached PPT file)
    • Thank You Slide with company logo, speaker name(s) and contact info