Conference Overview

CampusEnergy2025, coming to the Westin Boston Seaport District, February 3-6, is an unparalleled opportunity to learn from industry experts, discover cutting-edge technologies, and connect with colleagues from across the district energy landscape.

Join IDEA and over 1200 district energy professionals in Beantown for four jam-packed days of education, exhibits, and exchange of ideas you won't want to miss.

We’re confident that the depth and variety of this year’s education program will deliver insights you can't get anywhere else.

Download Preliminary Conference Program

Preconference Workshops

Workshop 1: Thermal Distribution and System Operations
Monday, February 3, 2025, 8:00 am – 4:00 pm

This extensive workshop will engage utilities directors, system designers, operators, and safety professionals to develop comprehensive knowledge of the technology, operations and maintenance of district heating and cooling thermal distribution systems on campuses, communities and cities.   
With a focus on best practices and peer exchange, this workshop will deliver a deeper discussion among industry professionals responsible for design, construction, maintenance and optimization of underground steam, hot water and chilled water piping systems.  Attendees can expect real-world case studies and active dialogue with experienced industry professionals, leading to valuable insights and takeaways.

Workshop 2: Advancing Geothermal and Geo-Exchange Energy Solutions
Monday, February 3, 2025, 8:00 am – 4:00 pm

This in-depth workshop will explore why district-scale geothermal and geo-exchange systems are essential solutions for  fostering sustainability and reducing carbon emissions. As the shift towards lower-carbon and renewable energy sources expands globally, geothermal solutions stand out as a resilient and effective approach to meeting growing energy demands while combating climate change. 
Featuring numerous, engaging presentations delivered by experienced geothermal energy sector experts, you will gain valuable insights into the innovative strategies, technologies and implementation practices moving the needle in this rapidly expanding field. Join us for this informative and collaborative workshop to gain insights, share ideas, and discuss practical approaches for harnessing geothermal energy for a more sustainable future.

Post-Conference Workshop

Workshop 3:  Thermal Energy Networks: Best Practices in Sustainable Business Models
Thursday, February 6, 2025, 8:00 am – 3:00 pm

This interactive workshop will explore how to develop and stand-up a community-scale thermal energy network system as a private, public or hybrid business entity.   Key topics of discussion will include market assessment, heat mapping, customer segmentation and aggregation, tariff structures, rate designs and service agreements, business models, risk analysis, deployment and financing – with a particular focus on deployment of geo-exchange in urban and community settings. Participants will gain unique insights from industry professionals with direct experience in the launch of a financially sustainable thermal energy network business. 
The workshop is intended for local, state and provincial governments, municipal agencies, electric and natural gas utilities, real estate developers, engineers, energy planners, policymakers, and sustainability professionals looking to sharpen  their knowledge of thermal energy networks.  The workshop format will feature focused discussion and discovery on key topics led by subject matter experts with a primary objective to help accelerate deployment of durable, valuable thermal energy networks.