Plenary Panels and Keynote Address

Opening Plenary Panel Discussion
District Energy: Leading the Way
Grand Ballroom AB
Wednesday, February 16 8:20-9:30am

This discussion will focus on the ongoing evolution of campus energy utility systems in providing reliable, efficient and resilient thermal and power services to mission-critical customers and communities. As we move toward 2030, how will technologies adapt to reach carbon goals? How to best balance the concurrent missions of reliability, economy and environment? Hear how these world-class institutions are forging the future.

Panelists Include:
• Janine Helwig, Director of Utilities, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
• Bob Manning, Senior Director, Engineering and Utilities, Harvard University
• Jennifer Meisenhelder, Director of Utilities - Thermal Systems, University of Florida
• Tom Nyquist, Executive Director of Engineering & Campus Energy, Princeton University
• Christopher Potter, Director of Utilities and Power Plant Operations, Architect of the Capitol
• Paul Zmick, Director of Energy & Utilities, University of Virginia

Closing Plenary Panel Discussion
Where Do We Go From Here?
Grand Ballroom AB

Thursday, February 17, 4:15 pm – 5:00 pm EST

The theme for the conference is “Leading the Way”, and we have all learned that IDEA campus energy systems are indeed taking a leadership role investing in technology, advancing innovation and delivering reliable, efficient energy services to our communities.

This panel is intended to reflect on the content of the conference, highlight any significant findings, wrap up the conference and help the community to look ahead and move into the future – “Where Do We Go From Here?” is the question we will focus on.

Panelists include:

  • Maribel Adydan, Director of Business Development, Engie North America
  • Nate Cesarz, Principal, Affiliated Engineers, Inc
  • Joan Kowal, Director of Development, NextEra Energy Resources
  • Malcolm Harkness, Director of Development, Clearway Community Energy
  • Steve Swinson, CEO, CenTrio

Keynote Lunch Address
Thursday, February 17 at 12:15pm EST

IDEA is pleased to welcome Bob Mumgaard, CEO of Commonwealth Fusion Systems to provide a keynote luncheon address on Thursday, February 17 at the IDEA Campus Energy Conference in Boston. 

As the CEO of Commonwealth Fusion Systems (CFS) Bob Mumgaard is responsible for the strategic vision and direction of the company, paving the way for a future of clean unlimited fusion energy. Since co-founding CFS with a mission to commercialize the high-field approach to fusion, Mumgaard has grown the company to more than 200 employees and raised more than $2 billion from some of the world’s leading investors. CFS is a private commercial fusion company with a scientifically validated path to commercialization.

Mumgaard performed his PhD work at MIT and during that time he contributed to the design of several small superconducting tokamaks for a variety of physics missions using high temperature superconductors (HTS). Prior to co-founding CFS, as an MIT fellow Mumgaard focused on how entrepreneurship, risk-retirement strategies, and partnerships could increase the speed of fusion from laboratory to market. He organized and led a team identifying strategies to utilize private finance and traditional academic resources to speed the path to fusion energy resulting in a collaboration model with MIT.

Mumgaard holds a PhD in Applied Plasma Physics and a MS in Nuclear Engineering from MIT, and a BS in Mechanical Engineering and BS in Engineering Physics from the University of Nebraska.

Keynote Spotlight - CEO Bob Mumgaard of Commonwealth Fusion Systems recently announced that it had raised $1.8 billion, the largest funding round ever by a Massachusetts company. Read all about it here.