Werner is Managing Director and CEO of AGFW, the German Energy Efficiency Association for District Heating, Cooling and CHP in Frankfurt which he joined in 2003. Since two years he is also President of Euroheat & Power, the International association for district heating and cooling in Brussels. AGFW reunites over 500 district energy suppliers and industrial operators of this industry in Germany and Europe and represents over 95% of the heat load connected to German district heating systems – the largest scale in Western Europe. Werner has over 30 years experience in energy and process management mainly for the optimization of power plants. He has also expertise in business development for OM&M of thermal and hydro power plants as well as systems for transmission and distribution. His prior experience includes service as Consultant and Executive of a subsidiary of the FICHTNER Group, Germany, General Manager with VA TECH, Austria and Managing Director at Communa Systems, Germany. Werner has a M.Sc. in Production Engineering from the University of Applied Science, Technology and Economics Rosenheim, Germany and an General Manager Degree from the HM Institute, Austria. He is the author of numerous technical papers and articles on energy- and environmental topics and frequent speaker at national and international conferences.