
Chair's Update 2nd Quarter 2017

By Chris Lyons posted 06-25-2017 00:00


Over the course of my almost 30-year career I have had the privilege of serving on several boards of directors. It is a unique place from which to view an organization, whether for-profit or not-for-profit. Perhaps you’ve heard the saying that “you never want to eat in a restaurant if you have worked in their kitchen.” There’s some truth to that. Serving on an organization’s board can be an eye-opening experience as you begin to see “how the sausage is made.” Another saying that comes to mind: “Like families, all organizations are dysfunctional; it is just a matter of degree.” From my perspective, no organization is perfect. However, there are certainly wide variations in the degree of dysfunction, which is inversely correlated with positive results. 

I am happy to say my experience on IDEA’s board over the past eight years has given me an example of what an organization looks like on the low end of the dysfunctional scale. While the association is not perfect, I am amazed at what IDEA has accomplished in terms of achieving its mission, especially during the past 20 years that I have been a member. 

Reflecting on the success of IDEA’s 30th Annual Campus Energy Conference, I continue to be amazed at the impact we have had on campuses across the continent. We provide a place where campus district energy operators, capital planners, design professionals and vendors can share best practices, introduce the latest technologies and just encourage each other to continue the pursuit of lofty campus goals. Thanks in part to the information exchange that occurs at every IDEA conference, untold amounts of energy have been saved on campuses large and small. Spending less on energy has enabled universities to invest more in their primary mission. Countless tons of carbon emissions have been avoided, helping campuses achieve their sustainability goals. We’ve even seen campuses serve as a refuge to their communities during events like Superstorm Sandy. 

As I traveled with my wife last fall to our International District Cooling Conference in Dubai, it was fascinating to observe how transformative district cooling has been in the Gulf region. District cooling has become a necessity during an unprecedented explosion of economic development. As an organization, we have had the privilege of participating in this evolution by offering a wealth of expertise and experience. We have also been significant beneficiaries thanks to our Middle East members who support IDEA in many ways. We truly are an international organization. 

Another area in which IDEA has had an impact is the field of sustainable construction. We have worked together to help write guidelines, such as for the U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED rating system, so they accurately account for the benefits of district energy. While we still have work to do, we have already made significant progress. The dial continues to move toward a more level playing field where the true environmental benefits of thermal networks can be measured against other options. Ultimately, these networks offer a great solution for our planet and our future. 

As I think about why this organization has been so successful, I must give credit to the great leadership of the professional staff, the many board members with whom I have had the privilege to serve and the members themselves. When you get right down to it, all of these folks really believe in the mission of IDEA, which is to see the benefits of district energy utilized to solve some of the world’s biggest challenges. It is this belief and passion that permeates throughout and differentiates us from other organizations. We are in good hands moving forward. 

What would the world look like if IDEA had never existed? That is a hard question to answer but an interesting one to ponder. At the very least, we can say with assurance that in some ways it would look different, with our cities and campuses very likely less green and energy-efficient. I believe the truest test of any organization can be revealed in the answer to this question: “Has it made a positive impact?” When it comes to IDEA, I’m proud to say the answer is yes, it has made a positive impact, and I’m confident it will continue to do so.

