Conferences, Workshops and Webinars
Since 1909, IDEA has presented annual conferences that feature peer-reviewed technical presentations and interactive sessions that serve as a roadmap for the future of district energy. Each year, we shatter attendance records as industry leaders comes to the table to join the discussion. As a member, you will receive substantial discounts to attend.
District Energy Magazine
Members receive printed and digital subscriptions of District Energy magazine. Published four times a year, District Energy is one of the industry’s leading publications for news, technical information and insight into the latest topics and issues affecting the district energy and combined heat and power industry.
Content @
IDEA offers an unprecedented amount of content on its website including links to industry and member news, conference proceedings, publications, case studies, and industry reports. In addition, you can find or post RFP/RFQ in our Business Opportunities section and find or post your next job in the Employment Opportunities section. IDEA delivers a weekly newsletter highlighting important news you need to know, curated from our web site.