Doug Peeples, Smart Cities Council North America
Georgia Power and Georgia Tech expect to spend between $10-$15 million to build a research microgrid on the university campus in Atlanta. And both partners, surrounding communities and others could benefit substantially.
"The microgrid is a solution that is very appealing but not entirely understood. We see this as an opportunity to make a quantum leap in understanding," Santiago Grijalva of Georgia Tech told Microgrid Knowledge. Grijalva is director of the university's Advanced Computational Electricity Systems Laboratory.
For Georgia Tech, the research microgrid will give students the opportunity to collect data on everything from its components and how they work together to related business models and energy economics. The goal is to come up with replicable models utilities could use to better serve their customers.
The microgrid, which is owned by Georgia Power, also will provide service for a number of buildings on the university campus.
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