Discover how CenTrio transformed the Windy City's West Loop with evolution of what has become the nation's largest carbon-zero district cooling system.
In this insightful webinar, we'll do a deep dive into this monumental project that harmonizes innovation, resiliency, and ultimately delivered increased capacity and improved efficiency.

Highlights of the presentation:
▪ Explore Old Post Office Brilliance: Delve into the planning and execution of the Old Post Office project, including a daring district extension under the Chicago River and the design of an on-site plant, all aimed at supercharging cooling efficiency.
▪ Modernize for Efficiency: Witness the transformation of Plant 2 through a major modernization effort. Learn about the opportunities, challenges, and ultimate success in enhancing operational efficiency.
▪ Embrace Sustainability: Recognize the tangible value delivered by our sustainability initiatives, fostering a greener and more eco-friendly future for Chicago
▪ Look to the Future: Get a sneak peek into what's next in the Chicago system’s journey towards continuous improvement and innovation.
Presented by:

Geoff Bares
Director of Engineering
As Director of Engineering, Geoff Bares handles design, specification, procurement, and management of CenTrio’s new customer installations; analyzes overall chilled water system performance; and investigates system anomalies to ensure high reliability and efficiency. Geoff also manages CenTrio’s energy procurement process and its participation in energy efficiency and demand response programs. Prior to his work at CenTrio, Geoff served as a senior process engineer at Chicago Bridge & Iron for projects ranging from chilled water thermal storage plants to liquefied natural gas facilities, and was also a thermal systems analyst for Boeing on the International Space Station (ISS) program. Geoff holds a M.S. in mechanical engineering from Purdue University and a B.S. in engineering mechanics and astronautics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Bill Dolan
General Manager, Chicago
William Dolan, PE, oversees design engineering, operations, construction, process financial management, technology development and stewardship, and specialty analysis/engineering for CenTrio, Chicago. He is a licensed professional engineer in the State of Illinois with expertise including chilled-water technology, operation of complex mechanical/energy systems,
intellectual property related to energy systems following research and demonstration.
In his current position as CenTrio’s General Manager for Chicago, William leads a team responsible for engineering, construction, and operation of the 100,000-ton district chilled water system. He has helped developed technology that successfully recovered approximately 40% of the capacity of the system, following construction and commissioning, and had also designed, and constructed new chilled-water plants acting as a design engineer of record, along with his internal team, and general contractor. In addition, William designed, built, and exploited a fiber-optic information control network connecting approximately 150 processors within 110 buildings and five production plants - spanning more than 2 sq miles. This delivered real-time assessment of process performance, enhanced maintenance solutions backed by measurement, and streamlined plant dispatching operations for optimal production economy.
Prior to CenTrio, William was a Director of Construction, Cushman & Wakefield (Chicago, Ill), as well as a Program Manager for Commercial Space Conditioning Technology at Gas Research Institute (Chicago, Ill). He also served as a Principal Investigator for Army-Wide Energy/Utility and HVAC Systems Research at U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Construction Engineering Research Laboratory in Champaign, Ill. William graduated with a master’s degree and bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.