Thermal Energy – BTU metering with clamp-on ultrasonic meters

When:  Jun 22, 2022 from 13:00 to 14:00 (ET)


Sustainable energy and energy reduction goals are driving the need for more accurate and smart BTU metering. Since the early 1980’s ultrasonic clamp-on Flow meters have been utilized for BTU metering and submetering. Some of the features and benefits of clamp-on meters are; retrofit capability - no pipe works, no shutdown, single system – flow and BTU meter all in one, excellent low flow sensitivity for measuring off peak flows, and 1% accuracy. In this presentation we will cover clamp-on BTU metering concepts, attributes, accuracy, and provide some case studies.


Izzy Rivera
Product Manager
Flexim Americas Corporation

Izzy Rivera has been involved with the development of ultrasonic flow measurement for 40 years. He is a co-founder of Flexim Americas a subsidiary of Flexim GmbH, a Berlin based company that specializes in the manufacturer of flow measurement and process analytical instruments. Izzy was involved in the development of the 1st fully integrated ultrasonic BTU meter.

