You’ve completed the PPT. You’ve recorded the video. Now you just have to get up on stage and give your presentation. Here’s what you need to know.
Speaker and Moderator Orientation Meeting
Stevens Salon A-5
On the day you are scheduled to speak at IDEA2023, you are required to attend the Speaker and Moderator Orientation Meeting at 7:00am (complimentary breakfast provided) in the Stevens Salon A-5 room.
In the Speaker Orientation Meeting, you will meet the moderator for your session and review session logistics with IDEA Staff members Emily Riskalla and Jason Beal. We look forward to seeing you there!
Meeting Room Logistics
Main Program Presentations will take place in one of four concurrent meeting rooms (room number for each presentation is included in the conference program or on the Event App.)
The room set for all main conference presentation rooms is the same for all rooms; presenter(s) at the front of the room, on stage, speaking from a mic’d podium. A 6' table will also be on stage for presentations featuring multiple presenters, allowing them to sit while waiting for their turn to speak.
At the podium will be an IDEA laptop with your PPT presentation preloaded on it. The room will also include a screen and microphone in the middle of the room for audience questions. Please note the presentations are pre-loaded onto the laptop and edits cannot be made to your presentation prior to your session.
Each session track has a moderator who will do a quick intro of the session and speakers. To save time, your full bio will not be read as people can read it in the app. An AV tech and an IDEA staff member will also be on hand to assist when needed.
IDEA divides the program into session tracks, which are blocks of time in which multiple presentations on the same topic are given over that period of time. IDEA asks that the speaker(s) for each presentation be present in the room for their time block, ready to go on stage when it is time for their presentation to begin.
Please remember - sessions are 25 minutes long; 18-20 minutes for your presentation and 5-7 minutes for questions. The moderator will field questions from the audience when you are finished with your presentation.
Virtual Attendees
At IDEA2023, we do have people attending virtually. They will view your prerecorded presentation through Attendee Hub, our platform for virtual attendees and for all attendees to view sessions post-event.
Your video will play for these virtual attendees at the time of your presentation. If the virtual audience has questions, they will be told to reach out to you directly via email. We will not be able to ask questions from the virtual audience in the meeting rooms. So be on the lookout for those questions as they hit your inbox!
Your video will be streamed on Attendee Hub for 90 days post-conference as well, meaning that any attendees who might have missed you live can view your recording and enjoy your content.