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100% Steam Close Loop Design 

02-25-2019 17:36


We will point out some benefit of using steam for building heat and domestic hot water application in a design way that it doesn't require any vents to the roof, resulting in a 100% close steam system. By doing so, not only we cut the steam flash lost or steam traps failure lost through vents but it also cut the surface blowdown ratio from the boilers, the corrosion issues on the condensate piping and having at the same time a cost reduction on water treatment chemicals, especially on amines.Also, we will cover other benefits for using steam, like using rotary vane steam engines to generate free electric power, life cycle cost of steam systems versus hot water hydronic systems and how to turn any type of steam boiler into a condensing steam boiler.The new medical building that is presently being build near New-York city, Vassar Brother Hospital, decided to go 100% close loop steam design. Andrew Kozak from BR+A, the engineering firm involve in this project, will present the reasons that the project decided to implement this particular steam design.

Session: Thermal Distribution Workshop 


Andrew Kozak, BR+A
Patrick Lach, Maxi-Therm


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Uploaded - 02-25-2019