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Heating Water System Optimization: Coil Performance & Medical Center Project Results 

02-27-2019 17:30


With energy efficiency goals at the forefront of campus planning, more and more facilities are turning to hot water distribution systems in place of steam heat. Heating coils have 2x the capability of cooling coils, making hot-water heating an ideal solution for decision-makers looking to reduce annual operating costs, improve energy efficiency, decrease maintenance, and increase comfort for occupants. Of course, this efficiency opportunity is attached to a big investment – which is why it’s crucial for facility leaders have the right conditions to optimize heating system performance. Heating water system improvements start at the coils. With a broadly defined goal of moving less water and getting more efficiency out of the coil, stability and precision control are the two most important factors for getting good performance. Delta T isn’t just for chilled water – it’s also a crucial driver of efficiency in heating water systems.Case Study: Memorial Medical Center (Springfield, IL)In 2014, MMC made the decision to improve the efficiency of its existing facility through retro-commissioning and repairs, to design the new addition with maximum energy efficiency, and set a goal to save 20% in energy consumption as part of the expansion. By removing existing steam-to-hot water heat exchangers and reconnecting the existing heating hot water systems, amongst other efficiency measures, the campus surpassed its goal in reducing energy use with over 26% savings in natural gas and 10% savings in electricity.

Session 3C: District Heating


Jeff Creighton, Flow Control Industries, Inc. 


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Uploaded - 02-27-2019