Empower Energy Solutions was announced as the winner of the 2015 Innovation Award at the Annual Chairmans Banquet on Tuesday evening, June 30, at the 106th Annual Conference & Trade Show in Boston.
Empower's submittal entitled "Centralized Metering Data Management System with 50,000 Smart Meters-Challenges and Solutions," describes the company's efforts to plan, implement and maintain a target number of 50,000 meters to assure accurate monitoring and billing of each end -user in each customer building. To put this effort in perspective, Empower reported annual growth for calendar year 2014 of 38,543,000 sq ft and 65 buildings. That served area approaches the entire North American total of 44,529,490 sq ft added during calendar 2014 reported by our members.
Innovation Award Application
View Empower's 2015 Innovation Award Application
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