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Energy efficiency and industry: the national trend

By District Energy posted 08-11-2017 00:00


 R. Neal Elliott, Amercian Council for and Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE)


The industrial sector is unique among end-use sectors in that its energy intensity has declined consistently in recent decades, decreasing 45% from 1977 through 2016. The decline occurred even though the sector’s energy use has fluctuated, its output has almost doubled, and economic activity has risen and fallen with economic cycles.

[...] contributing to reduced industrial energy use are system approaches, such as combined heat and power (CHP). CHP is an energy-efficient method of generating both electricity and useful thermal energy in a single, integrated system that is used in many energy intensive industries. A CHP system saves energy by recovering heat from power-only generation that would otherwise be wasted and using it to satisfy on-site thermal energy needs. The chemical industry has reduced energy use per unit of product by about 40% since 1980 by expanding CHP installations and modernizing process technology.

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