Elise Stolte, Edmonton Journal
Sandra Jansen, Alberta Minister of Infrastructure (left) and Amarjeet Sohi, federal Minister of Infrastructure and Communities, sign a bilateral agreement that will provide more than $3.3 billion in federal funding for infrastructure at the Edmonton Transit System's Centennial Garage in Edmonton, on Tuesday, April 3, 2018. IAN KUCERAK / POSTMEDIA
Federal, provincial and city officials held a news conference Tuesday at the Edmonton Transit Centennial Garage where they announced Alberta’s $3.3-billion share of Ottawa’s $33-billion infrastructure fund will go towards transit, green infrastructure, recreation and other needs in the next 10 years.
The money represents Phase 2 of the infrastructure fund first promised in the 2015 federal election. It’s the first time the public has seen Alberta-specific numbers and details of how those dollars will be matched by the province.
The funding breaks down to $2.1 billion for public transit, $1 billion for green infrastructure, $140 million for community and recreation and $160 million for rural and northern communities.
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