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UI seeks proposals for densified biomass solid fuel trials

By District Energy posted 07-31-2018 00:00


University of Iowa, Biomass Magazine

Miscanthus, USDA Agricultural Research Service


Since 2003, the University of Iowa has been steadily expanding its use of biomass, to fuel its on-campus combined-heat-and-power (CHP) plant, and gradually reducing its use of coal.  In 2017 the university set a goal of zero coal by 2025.  A unique, ground-breaking aspect of the fuel program is that the university has learned how to consume biomass fuels in its two coal-fired boilers, potentially leading the way for other operators of coal-fired boilers to convert to biomass without major capital investment in new boilers.  Ultimately, UI intends to attract producers of fuel pellets to set up operations within economic distance of its power plant in Iowa City, to supply UI with 100,000 to 125,000 tons (2 million MMBTU) per year of biomass-based fuel.  

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