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AEE, CRES Forum push for federal actions to hasten advanced energy investments

By District Energy posted 08-09-2018 00:00


Jaclyn Brandt, Daily Energy Insider



Improving the modern electricity system in the United States is the responsibility of many groups, including utilities, lawmakers and local governments. But according to a new study by Advanced Energy Economy (AEE) and CRES (Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions) Forum, Congress can make five changes that would propel the modernization of the grid forward.

“Advanced energy resources are already modernizing our economy and energy system. Today, the industry stands at $200 billion in annual revenue supporting 3.4 million jobs across the United States,” the researchers said. “As the laboratories of democracy, dozens of states have taken notice of the advanced energy opportunity – and taken advantage.”

States like Michigan, North Carolina, Virginia, Texas, Pennsylvania and New York have all made moves to improve energy innovation and regulation.

The researchers stated that the ideas would benefit various technologies, offer opportunities to embrace innovation, and “make the power grid our economy relies on secure, clean, and affordable.” They believe these steps will not only help modernize the grid, but will also empower states to lower energy costs while fostering investment opportunities and creating jobs.

AEE and CRES have begun collaborating over the last few years because they found themselves working on the same issues and sharing the same interests.

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