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Energy Agreement Fuses Three Downtown Projects

By District Energy posted 10-09-2018 14:37


Baihly Warfield, WDIO-TV Eyewitness News


DULUTH, Minn. - An agreement between the City of Duluth, Duluth Energy Systems and Essentia Health ties together three major downtown projects: the steam plant conversion, Superior Street reconstruction and Essentia expansion.

As the hospital system took a look at its planned $800 million "Vision Northland" building project, they had to figure out how to get the energy to support daily operations. 

"All hospitals need very reliable energy supply infrastructure to maximize their patient care," Mike Burns, senior vice president of operations for Ever-Green Energy, said. 

Ever-Green Energy runs Duluth Energy Systems, which is the steam plant in Canal Park. 

"Downtown Duluth is served by a district system. And the city is very committed to making that district system a community asset, moving toward cleaner fuels, even renewable fuels," Burns said. 

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