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Cleveland's next big thing might be a tiny power grid

By District Energy posted 10-21-2018 00:00


Dan Shingler, Crain's Cleveland Business


When a couple hundred or so energy wizards and wonks gather this week at NASA Glenn Research Center's EnergyTech 2018 conference, they're going to hear about something that could have a huge impact on the ground in Cleveland.

It would cost more than $100 million. But it would also be self-funding, and it's piquing the interest of city and county officials who are beginning to study its potentially huge economic impact.

"We're all interested and intrigued. It's cleaner, more reliable power that could help us with economic development," said Mike Foley, director of the Department of Sustainability for Cuyahoga County and one of a cadre of local leaders considering the project, which came out of research at Cleveland State University and work at Case Western Reserve University with funding from the Cleveland Foundation.

Sexy, huh?

It is if you're running a data center, hospital, insurance company, accounting firm or any number of other businesses that rely heavily on keeping computers and equipment running all the time, with no interruptions, ever.

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