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Full decarbonisation of heating and cooling is cost-effective with existing technologies, says EU research

By District Energy posted 11-27-2018 00:00


Euroheat & Power


Heat Roadmap Europe (HRE4), an EU-funded research initiative, proves that the heating and cooling sector can be fully decarbonised based on technologies and approaches which already exist, are market-ready and have successfully been implemented in Europe.

The project developed energy scenarios for 2050, also known as “Heat Roadmaps” for the 14 largest EU countries that represent 90% of EU’s heat demand. The roadmaps model the entire energy system hour-by-hour including transport and focuses on the heating and cooling sector. The heating sector helps the integration of renewable energy in the electricity sector using district heating and large thermal storages, while increasing the ambition with regards to end demand savings in buildings.

Three 2050 scenarios for each one of the 14 countries have been produced:

  • the Baseline (BL) 2050 scenario, based on JRC-EU-TIMES modelling, which represents the development of the energy system under currently agreed policies in the EU;
  • the Conventionally Decarbonised (CD) 2050 scenario, which represents the development of the energy system under a framework that encourages renewables, but does not radically change the heating and cooling sector; and
  • the HRE 2050 scenario, which represents a redesigned heating and cooling system, considering the cost-effectiveness of different types of energy efficiency, excess heat and renewable sources as well as better integration with the other energy sectors.

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