Surendar Balakrishnan, Climate Control Middle East
Saying that District Cooling simplifies the building dramatically, Rob Thornton, President and CEO, International District Energy Association (IDEA), in this interview with Surendar Balakrishnan of Climate Control Middle East, urges a nuanced understanding of what the cooling approach can offer. Excerpts from the interview, about a month prior to the 8th IDEA International District Cooling Conference and Tradeshow from December 9 to 11, in Dubai.
Could you please share details of the December conference and what delegates may expect from it?
District Energy has risen in terms of visibility and potential and as a solution for urbanisation, population density and energy intensity. The world is moving to cities, and cities represent majority of emissions and energy density, and it’s not going to get easier. One of the things we need to do is to help planners, mayors, utilities and people who either have the authority or policy sway over infrastructure. We need to help them understand how District Cooling fits in that equation.
We want to bring real-world solutions and tangible operating cases to the fore during the conference, so people can understand District Cooling better and have access to people with real experience of very efficient District Energy solutions. I am really pleased with the quality of participation in the conference, with speakers coming in from Saudi Arabia, Denmark, France and a really high-quality cross-section of US participants.
They are coming to share. It is not about selling a product or promoting a technology, necessarily. It feels like we have once again been able to organise and curate a group of people, who care about helping others learn from their experience, so the next systems reflect the next generation of technologies.
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