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Editorial: Waste-to-Energy (WTE) technology

By District Energy posted 12-14-2018 00:00




DAVAO City is eyeing to build and operate a waste-to-energy (WTE) facility in 2022.

This billion-worth project - P2.5 billion at that – is a partnership endeavor among Japan International Cooperation Agency (Jica), Kitakyushu City of Japan, and the City Government of Davao. But it will be funded by official development assistance (ODA) from the Japanese government. 

This was first introduced in 2014 and has since undergone stringent feasibility studies and some criticisms from environmental groups led by Interface Development Interventions (Idis).

Fast forward 2018, the project is still on and is gaining concrete marks of implementation as supported by the local government here believing this facility will utilize some 90 percent of the city's total waste.

According to Jica Grassroots Kitakyushu Team, who visited Barangay 5-A here on Thursday, December 13, the WTE plant “converts municipal and industrial solid waste into electricity and heat for industrial processing and for district heating systems and that it works by burning waste at high temperatures and using the heat to make steam and then drives a turbine that creates electricity.”

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