Tim Camerato, Valley News
The college formally announced plans on Thursday to build the new wood-burning power plant and convert existing steam pipes in more than 110 buildings on campus. Dartmouth currently gets its steam heat and some of its electricity from an oil-burning power plant in the heart of downtown Hanover that was built more than 120 years ago and was converted to oil from coal in 1958.
The changes, which would require town site plan approval, are expected to be completed in late 2025 and would improve Dartmouth’s heating efficiency by 20 percent almost immediately, said Executive Vice President Rick Mills, who also mentioned the project in a public town hall forum the day before.
“Making those changes would help us both meet our goals for renewability, improve our efficiency and actually put us on a path toward a future where maybe we don’t actually have to burn anything to heat the campus,” Mills told 100 people at the event the Spaulding Auditorium on Wednesday.
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