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'Waste Heat' in London will be used to heat homes in likely world first

By District Energy posted 09-05-2019 11:13


CNN WIRE, FOX 8 Cleveland 


LONDON – Londoners often complain about the stifling heat on certain Underground lines – but soon that same heat will be used to keep people warm during the winter months.

In what is believed to be a world first, waste heat from the Northern Line is to be harnessed and channeled to homes and businesses in the borough of Islington, north London, by the end of the year.

The project is part of a scheme to provide cheaper and greener heat to dwellings in the area. Islington is already delivering heating to 850 homes by using green energy generated in the Bunhill Energy Centre, through a gas-combined heat and power (CHP) scheme. The expansion will now use a Northern Line ventilation shaft to pipe heat into the network.

Ramboll, the company commissioned to design and deliver the heating network, said in a press release that the project is the first in Europe to be “recycling waste heat from the London Underground” in order to provide “a low carbon, low cost heat source for local homes and businesses, largely existing council housing and leisure centers built in the 1930-1980s.”

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