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'Abundant' raw sewage touted to heat and cool aquatic centre

By District Energy posted 10-03-2019 12:50


Brian Cross, Windsor Star


Raw sewage — flowing through a massive trunk line running under Riverside Drive — is being heralded as an untapped energy source to heat and cool the Windsor International Aquatic Centre.

“Sewage, or waste water, is in abundance,” said Sergio Grando, the city’s manager of energy initiatives. The pilot project expected to reduce the $270,000 annual energy costs for heating the pool, and heating and cooling the air in the downtown swimming facility by at least $150,000. There is also the potential to sell any excess heat to District Energy, which provides heating and cooling to major downtown customers.

“When you and I shower in the morning, that water goes into the system and right now that heat is wasted,” said Grando. Heat also comes from washing machines, dishwashers and of course body-temperature human wastes. The average temperature of of raw sewage is a consistent 18C to 20C, year-round.

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