Yahoo! Finance
Veolia (Paris:VIE) regularly reviews its asset portfolio in the light of its strategy and development plan. This review reinforces the capacity and flexibility of the Group to position itself on the best growth opportunities, where Veolia can bring the most added value, and in coherence with the next strategic plan to be presented early 2020. It is within this framework that Veolia, through its subsidiary Veolia Energy North America Holdings, Inc, has finalized today the sale of its district energy assets in the United States to Antin Infrastructure Partners.
The portfolio comprises steam, hot and chilled water and electricity production plants, including cogeneration, and 13 networks in 10 US cities. An investment fund dedicated to infrastructure, Antin Infrastructure Partners has invested over 7 billion euros in 24 companies in 12 years of existence. Antin Infrastructure Partners is notably the owner since 2018 of Idex, which operates around 40 heating and cooling networks in France.
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