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WaterHub system celebrates 5 Year Anniversary in Atlanta.

By District Energy posted 04-28-2020 17:55


Sustainable Water Newsletter


April 17th marked five years of operations for our WaterHub system in Atlanta, Georgia at Emory University. Since commissioning, this system has supplied over 300 million gallons of reclaimed water to the University's utility operations.

The first system of its kind installed in the United States, the WaterHub® is a decentralized, commercial-scale water reclamation and reuse system serving Emory University’s main campus just outside of Atlanta, GA. Producing up to 400,000 gallons of reclaimed water per day, the WaterHub mines wastewater directly from the campus sewer system and utilizes ecological treatment processes to treat the wastewater for beneficial reuse. The system recycles up to two-thirds of campus wastewater for non-potable demands including heating, cooling and toilet flushing. Moving the field of water reclamation forward, the WaterHub serves as a model for commercial-scale sustainable water management in urban areas.

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