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Despite Great Resources, What is Holding Back Geothermal in Italy?

By District Energy posted 06-24-2020 10:00




In Europe, the geothermal market is going through a very flourishing moment as a whole, as highlighted by the European Geothermal Council (EGEC) in its European geothermal market report 2019 , we reported. Geothermal power plants are doubling, geothermal district heating has the wind in the stern while geothermal pumps have exceeded 2 million installations.

Yet precisely in Italy, or precisely the country where geothermal technologies first came to light over two centuries ago, the sector finds it hard to find a new way of development. Why? This is the basis of an interview published by Greenreport in Italy with Adele Manzella, first researcher at the Institute of Geosciences and Georesources (Igg) of the National Research Council (Cnr) of Pisa, president of the Italian Geothermal Union (UGI) and national coordinator for EGEC.

The European geothermal market report 2019 shows rapid progress in the use of geothermal energy in Europe, but with wide regional differences: in summary, what is the picture of the situation in Italy?

“I would say that the report clearly shows how Italy shines for the great resources it has, not for the rapid progress in their use. In the electricity sector, new projects are struggling to progress even to demonstrate super-green technologies, incentives are for now beyond the horizon and Italian companies produce and sell too little in geothermal energy. The most effective application in the thermal sector is geothermal district heating, which has seen an increase in plants and production, while applications with geothermal heat pump still languish.”

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