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Clean Air For All – What are the main sources of air pollutants?

By District Energy posted 10-01-2020 09:07


Balkan Green Energy News


There is no doubt that the main sources of air pollution are the same all over the world – the energy sector, commercial, institutional and household heating, transportation, industry, agriculture, and waste management. However, in countries which have imposed legal limits on harmful emissions and which encourage the application of state-of-the-art technologies, air polluters are causing far less damage than they do in countries lacking or failing to implement such regulations.

Examples of good practice can be found in the European Union (EU), while Western Balkan countries have a long road ahead of them. They need to set emission limits, tighten the rules – and then implement them, and turn the problem of air pollution into an opportunity for a cleaner and greener growth.

On September 7, the world marked the first ever International Day of Clean Air for blue skies, with the theme “Clean Air For All.” On that day Balkan Green Energy News published an article titled Clean Air For All – a lesson on key air pollutants, the first in a series of texts aimed at demystifying the topic of air pollution and providing useful and relevant information and knowledge about this increasingly important issue.

In this text, we address the main sources of air pollutants, or air pollution. The issue of sources is a very sensitive one because it entails not only a bad image and reputation for a sector, company, or country, but also responsibility for endangering people and the environment as well as the obligation to reduce or completely eliminate the pollution.

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