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EU approves Slovakia’s €1bn support for combined heat and power projects

By District Energy posted 03-10-2021 09:41


Energy News Live


The European Commission has approved Slovakia’s plans to provide more than €1 billion (£0.86bn) of financial support for high-efficient cogeneration of electricity and heat.

Slovakia notified the Commission of its plans to support combined heat and power (CHP) installations connected to district heating networks in the country, with all selected installations above 250kW to receive aid in the form of a feed-in premium, i.e. the installation selling its output on the market and receiving a top-up payment over the market price.

Installations below 250kW are to receive a fixed feed-in tariff, i.e. a guaranteed price for the electricity produced.

The scheme aims to increase or maintain high efficiency of existing high-efficient cogeneration installations, incentivise their switch from coal to natural gas or renewable sources and stimulate investments in new high-efficient cogeneration facilities.

Slovakia will select the winners based on a multi-technology tender procedure for new installations with a capacity of 1MW or higher and an administrative procedure for small installations and existing installations, with the aid based on the costs of producing electricity from those installations.

Coal-fired installations are not eligible to receive the support under the scheme.

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