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KDHC Pivots to Being ‘Integrated Green New Deal Platform’ Provider

By District Energy posted 03-25-2021 12:30


News World


Korea District Heating Corp. (KDHC) is firing on all cylinders to implement the ‘Green New Deal.” KDHC declared a shift to being an “Integrated Green New Deal Platform” provider last August.

It has since been actualizing the vision by signing MOUs with a variety of companies and institutions.

KDHC, which established a grand plan for KDHC-type Green New Deal, declared a shift into an integrated green energy platform, calling for the operation of future smart city infrastructure with eco-friendly energy.

To this end, KDHC aims to invest 16.3 trillion won into green energy infrastructure and create 146,000 green jobs by 2050 to realize “net-zero carbon.”

KDHC has designated three core keywords: eco-friendliness, decentralization and “gridifying”. The corporation has been realigning its business structure and supply equipment.

The takeaway of the Green New Deal initiative is an energy platform of combining heat, electricity and hydrogen in an urban area with KDHC taking the lead.

KDHC is suggesting nine future energy supply models, including smart hydrogen city, waste to hydrogen (W2H), fourth-generation district heating, and Gangwon-style RE100 energy self-sufficiency village and “energy prosumer.”

The corporation aims to realize net-zero carbon by implementing three green energy technology R&D tasks, such as research on green hydrogen production technology and research on carbon capture & utilization.

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