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UK seeks input on plans to use high temperature nuclear reactors to produce heat for industry

By District Energy posted 08-03-2021 09:02


The Chemical Engineer


HIGH temperature gas nuclear reactors (HTGRs) could provide low-carbon process heat to help decarbonise heavy industry, under new plans outlined by the UK Government.

The Government is consulting on its plans to invest £170m (US$236m) to demonstrate HTGR technology by the early 2030s. The objective of the programme is to show that advanced modular reactors (AMRs) could produce high temperature heat. This could provide a more sustainable form of process heat for the likes of chemical, glass and cement production, rather than burning fossil fuels such as natural gas. The reactors are smaller than those currently used at conventional nuclear plants so could be used for regional or industrial purposes including producing lower-carbon hydrogen, feeding district heating schemes, and producing baseload power to balance out renewables intermittency.

Among six forms of AMR technologies, the Government is asking for feedback on whether it should prioritise the development of HTGRs that produce temperatures of 700–900°C and use helium for coolant. While there are no commercial HTGRs in operation currently, development work is under way in China, Europe, Japan and the US; and the UK operated a test HTGR called Dragon which supplied power to the grid between 1965–1976.

In July 2020 the Government awarded £10m to U-Battery to speed up its development of a HTGR design. The National Nuclear Laboratory (NNL) subsequently expanded its cooperation agreement with the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), which is working with U-Battery, to include HTGR. JAEA has been operating a test HTGR at Oarai, Japan since 1999 and has included research into producing hydrogen.

Reacting to the news of the consultation on HTGRs, Paul Howarth, CEO of the National Nuclear Laboratory, said: “With over 50 years’ experience of operating the world’s only commercial fleet of gas-cooled nuclear reactors, as well as sodium [-cooled] fast, steam generating heavy water, and light water reactors, the UK uniquely boasts the skills, talent and capability to deliver advanced nuclear technologies and the entire supply chain that enables them.”

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