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IDEA Celebrates International Women's Day

By District Energy posted 03-08-2022 12:18


On behalf of all of us at IDEA, we want to wish a Happy International Women’s Day to the growing number of women who are making a difference in district energy today.

Every year, we see more and more women joining IDEA as members while also attending, exhibiting, or presenting at conferences. Our District Energy Women’s Initiatives (DEWI) continues to grow, giving our female members the opportunity to connect and share their industry experiences. And we are forever grateful to the invaluable expertise shared by those who have served on our Board of Directors and Executive Committee.

While our industry continues to make significant strides to guarantee that their voices are an essential part of the conversation about the future of district energy, there is always more we can do for the women working in this industry. We hope you will join us on this journey to encourage their participation year-round as we salute their already amazing accomplishments and contributions today.

#Member Testimonial
