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U Mass Amherst Celebrates Energy Transition Institute Official Launch

By District Energy posted 03-08-2022 12:52


University of Massachusetts Amherst


The Energy Transition Institute “will be a powerful new force on one of the most important issues of our time: how to develop a clean energy future that leaves no one behind,” said U.S. Sen. Ed Markey during a celebration of ETI’s official opening on Monday, Feb. 28 in Old Chapel at UMass Amherst.

An enthusiastic group of campus community members attended “Energy Transition Institute – Envisioning a Clean and Equitable Energy Future” in-person in the Old Chapel, while hundreds more joined via Zoom.

Markey, who has long been a Congressional champion in both the House and the Senate for unleashing America’s clean energy revolution, appeared via a prerecorded message. He praised the university’s “history of groundbreaking scholarship on economic and racial injustice” and said ETI “will bring UMass expertise and pioneering research to the intersection of climate innovation and climate justice.”

Chancellor Kumble Subbaswamy emphasized the flagship campus’s leadership in Massachusetts’ effort to achieve Net Zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. While UMass Amherst is the largest energy consumer and largest emitter among all state agencies, it has successfully reduced its emissions by almost 30 percent, he said.

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