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Ithaca, County to get $4.4 million from feds for conference center, infrastructure repairs

By District Energy posted 03-24-2022 06:29


The Ithica Voice


It’s Christmas in March for Tompkins County and the City of Ithaca, as the New York officials just announced that $4.4 million in its spending bill will go towards three projects in the county, including “bolstering Ithaca’s grid” to make it greener.

Another $1 million will go towards a microgrid that the city wants to construct for use by the Ithaca Area Wastewater Treatment Plant (IAWWTP), Ithaca High School, and the city’s Department of Public Works, Streets and Facilities.

“This funding for the City of Ithaca would develop a microgrid and allow for the integration of biomass gasification systems, further decarbonizing the city and surrounding areas, and increasing the resiliency and sustainability of Ithaca’s energy,” the announcement states.

The wastewater facility currently uses low-carbon electricity generating equipment powered by “gas produced with sewage and food waste, and combined heat and power to supplement electricity.” Essentially, the microgrid would be able to expand the power distribution to the aforementioned places beyond the IAWWTP. The hope is that the capability will help replace diesel generators at those places.

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