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EU Seeks Cuts In Heating And Cooling Buildings To Save On Gas – AFR

By District Energy posted 07-20-2022 09:55


top wire news


The European Commission is expected next week to ask EU countries to reduce heating and cooling of public buildings and offices to cut gas demand, according to a document seen by AFP.

To better cope with the drastic drop in Russian gas supplies, which could be completely disrupted, the commission is expected to ask the governments of the 27-nation bloc to limit the energy consumption of public buildings, offices, commercial properties and outdoor terraces.

The commission says that during the ‘gas winter’ – October to March – ‘major savings can be made by using alternative heat sources for district heating and heat pumps in homes’ and energy saving campaigns are urging the public to turn their thermostats down one degree Celsius this winter .

But such “sheltered” energy customers – under EU law that means households, district heating that cannot be switched to other fuels, and certain essential social services – account for just 37 per cent of total EU gas consumption. And simulations show these customers would be the last to be seriously affected by large-scale Russian gas disruptions, the commission says.

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