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350 million building units connected to district energy networks by 2030, provide about 20% of space heating needs

By District Energy posted 09-15-2022 11:30




District energy networks are a key stepping stone to meeting zero-carbon heating and cooling, with 350 million connections in cities globally targeted by 2030. The expansion of these systems is projected to provide about 20% of global space heating needs. That compares to around 15% of space heating needs in 2020. In other words, further expansion of district heating network plays a crucial role in achieving net zero emissions by 2050. District energy networks are fuel flexible, thus, they future-proof heating and cooling supply choices.

District energy networks are a cost-effective solution for meeting net zero emissions for dense urban environments. Once installed, the district energy infrastructure can utilise heat from any source so that investment in heat networks allows for future fuel flexibility. Consequently, existing thermal networks can progressively decarbonise just as electricity networks can.

District energy networks unlock the potential for thermal renewable energy sources, e.g. renewably supplied heat pumps and recyclable thermal energy. They also provide for individual and community involvement in the evolution of sustainable local networks with both consumers and prosumers (where consumers can become producers depending on real-time circumstances).

Modern district energy systems help to deliver energy security, increasing independence from energy imports, while also creating jobs, and raising associated tax revenues and regional revenues.

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