Press Release
Sargent & Lundy is one of more than 20 members of the Nuclear in District Energy Applications (NuIDEA) Initiative that provided insight and experience in reliable nuclear energy solutions to the initiative’s recently released three-year action plan.
The NuIDEA Initiative was launched in 2022 by the Electric Power Research Institute, an independent nonprofit organization for energy research, development, and deployment. It is administered by a collaboration of leading organizations in the energy industry as well as organizations across the higher education and healthcare markets.
The detailed action plan is the roadmap describing how the NuIDEA Initiative can accomplish its goal of introducing nuclear energy as a viable option for district energy systems by 2026. The plan focuses on the use of lower carbon emission options like nuclear microreactors for heating, cooling, and power applications while reducing overall costs.
A district energy system is characterized by the Department of Energy as one or more central plants producing hot water, steam, and/or chilled water that flows through a network of insulated pipes to provide hot water, space heating, and/or air conditioning for nearby buildings. These systems are commonly used in airports and facilities for higher education, government, healthcare, military, and manufacturing.
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