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IDEA: District Cooling: Delivering A Net-Zero Future and Urban Heat Resilience

By District Energy posted 12-08-2023 12:34


As global temperatures continue to rise, cities are highly vulnerable to the effects of climate change, which are made worse by the urban heat island effect. Keeping people cool is no longer an issue of comfort, but one of safety and public health, but it must be done in a way that doesn’t emit more greenhouse gases, further warm the plant, or strain the electrical grid, while still maintaining a reliable and effective energy delivery system.

That is why we want to thank the UN Environment Programme Cool Coalition and Tabreed for organizing the hashtagCOP28 event, “District Cooling: Delivering A Net-Zero Future and Urban Heat Resilience.”

We are proud to have our President & CEO, Rob Thornton moderate this discussion alongside expert panelists from governments, international organizations and district energy operators from around the world. They are sharing their knowledge and experience of scaling hashtagDistrictEnergy technology and its key benefits, including emission reduction, climate and energy system resilience and reduction of the urban heat island effect.

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