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There’s a lot of good news about American energy

By District Energy posted 01-11-2024 10:31


Yahoo! Finance


What does an effective transition from fossil fuels to green energy look like?

Ardent environmentalists prefer the fastest possible phaseout of coal, oil, and natural gas — even banning them if necessary — regardless of the costs. On the other end of the spectrum, “drill, baby, drill” regressives deny there’s any climate change caused by fossil fuel emissions and want to burn carbon energy forever.

The sensible approach is neither of those things. Renewable energy is necessary to slow the warming of the planet and forestall the many ugly consequences of that. Yet moving too fast can destabilize an economy still heavily dependent on fossil fuels. A steady replacement of fossil fuels with green energy is the optimal way to keep the economy growing without disruptions that cause soaring energy costs, rapid job loss in declining sectors and consumer rebellion that could undermine the whole cause of decarbonization.


