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Creating Thermal Energy Networks in Rochester, Minnesota

By District Energy posted 02-15-2024 08:40




Rochester, Minnesota, is a city that epitomizes a blend of progress, innovation, and pride in their community. This vibrant city has evolved in monumental ways in recent years, transforming itself into a hub of cutting-edge healthcare and technology.

Known for its rich history and pride in being home to the renowned Mayo Clinic, it comes as no surprise to find out just how passionate and invested Rochester is in reaching the remarkable goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions 50% by 2030 and by 100 percent by 2050. Rochester Public Utilities, the City’s electrical service provider, has set a goal of providing 100% renewable electrical energy by 2030.

The Rochester City Council, Mayor, City leaders, and staff have created a vision and authorized planning to meet these bold and daunting goals, fearlessly guiding Rochester toward becoming an undeniably unrivaled standard of excellence. Alongside many other sustainable and renewable efforts, Rochester has chosen to utilize the power of geothermal energy, specifically Thermal Energy Networks, also known as TENs, to achieve their goal of reducing carbon emissions, and they have already begun the process of designing, drilling, constructing, and installing systems.

So, how does all of this work? You may be wondering what geothermal energy is meant to do, or perhaps you’re curious as to what a TEN is and how it can impact carbon emissions so dramatically. There’s a lot to learn, but it’s a very simple concept, so let’s dive in to learn how Rochester is designing ambient TEN to become a beacon of sustainability and progress.

An ambient loop thermal energy network, also known as a low-temperature district energy system or ambient temperature loop, is a type of thermal energy distribution system that operates at lower temperature differentials compared to traditional district heating systems.

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