Think GeoEnergy
New York-based renewable energy solutions company Brightcore Energy has announced that an incentive program that the company has petitioned for and support with energy company Con Edison has been approved. The new “Thermal Conductivity Testing” (TCT) Incentive will apply to non-residential ground-sourced heat pump (GSHP) projects to help customers pay for the costs of thermal conductivity testing.
As part of Con Edison’s Clean Heat Program, the TCT Incentive will provide USD 40,000 or 50% of the eligible costs for thermal conductivity testing, whichever is lower. Thermal conductivity test boreholes are required for ground heat exchanger projects with a system capacity greater than 300,000 Btu/hr, and recommended for similar projects with a system capacity between 135,000 to 300,000 Btu/hr.
Among other requirements, applicants must submit a pre-testing application package. Con Edison will review the pre-testing application package to determine eligibility, after which Con Edison will provide written confirmation of eligibility to the applicant. After testing has been completed, the Participating Clean Heat Contractor must submit a post-testing application package. Con Edison will then review the post-testing application to determine the final incentive. Con Edison shall have the right to disseminate the test results from projects which received the Incentive, in aggregated or disaggregated form.
“I’m quite proud of our team for recognizing an opportunity here to offset a potential barrier to entry for our clients and increase the adoption of geothermal heating and cooling systems. We pride ourselves on the intellectual capital that our team brings to our clients, and this is clear evidence of that,” said Mike Richter, President of Brightcore Energy.
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