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Summit kicks off Earth Month at Stanford

By District Energy posted 04-08-2024 13:57


Stanford Report


To mark the beginning of Earth Month, Stanford community members gathered at Paul Brest Hall Tuesday afternoon to celebrate the sustainability work and achievements taking place across campus.

The “Living Laboratory Partnership Summit” highlighted the ways Stanford’s campus is serving as a testing ground, or living lab, for students, faculty, and staff to advance sustainability initiatives on campus and beyond. Kristin Parineh, director of the Office of Sustainability, said that Stanford – which operates its own energy, water, and waste systems, has open space, and is one of the largest residential campuses in the country – offers unique opportunities.

“When you combine cutting-edge research and teaching with the opportunities the physical campus presents, where better for operations and academia to partner to test and scale innovative solutions to challenging climate and waste problems than right here at Stanford?” she said.

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