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Work starts on geothermal heating network in Kirchweidach-Halsbach, Germany

By District Energy posted 04-08-2024 15:36


Think GeoEnergy


Following the successful drilling of a production well and a subsequent reinjection well drilling, the geothermal project in Halsbach in Bavaria, Germany is now proceeding to the construction of the surface facilities. This includes the heating network and the heat transfer station near the wellheads.

The Kirchweidach-Halsbach geothermal project of Naturwärme Kirchweidach-Halsbach has had a long and interesting history. The initial drilling of the production well started in January 2023, but two sidetrack wells had to be drilled before commercially exploitable temperatures and flowrates were attained.

The measured drilling depth was 4750 meters at a total depth of 3050 meters.  Temperature of over 107 °C and a flow rate of over 100 liters/second was initially measured from the well.

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