Piscataway Township aims to cut energy costs by overhauling electric and natural gas systems with a goal of reducing the Township's carbon footprint by 53 percent by 2026.
Construction will take place throughout 2024 with final upgrades completed in 2025. Key facilities targeted for these upgrades include the Community Center, Public Safety building, JFK Library, Westergard Library, Town Hall, Senior Center and Sterling Village. Financially, the Township will make an investment of $24.9 million to complete these upgrades with $13.2 million in incentives, grants, rebates and the utilization of the Investment Tax Credit (ITC) for the solar installation, microgrid and combined heat and power systems. The remainder of the project will be financed through an energy savings performance contract with Schneider Electric which estimates the upgrades to generate $19.2 million in total savings over the next two decades.
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