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Scandinavian-style district heating systems should generate interest

By District Energy posted 9 days ago


The Irish Times


District hearing systems distribute heat generated from a central location to multiple buildings or properties within a defined geographic area, typically a residential neighbourhood.

Heat is produced through a variety of sources including combined heat and power plants, waste heat from industrial processes, geothermal energy, landfill waste and renewable sources such as biomass or solar thermal energy. It is then transported through a network of insulated pipes to provide space heating and hot water to residential, commercial and industrial buildings.

District heating systems are seen as efficient as they can utilise waste heat that would otherwise be lost and they contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by centralising heat production. However, location and size are important factors in their planning, according to Stephen Prendiville, sustainable infrastructure lead with Deloitte.

“We’ve just started our journey here in Ireland. There are a number of district heating systems around the country but they haven’t really been publicised, with Tallaght being the most high-profile exception,” he says.

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