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How Iowa State University hopes to keep renewable energy secure from cyberattacks

By District Energy posted 19 days ago


Ames Tribune


Iowa State University's Manimaran Govindarasu believes bringing renewable energy to the power grid raises all kinds of “internet-of-things” issues.

To help the power industry defend itself, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has selected a project led by Iowa State University engineers for a two-year, $2.5 million grant. Project partners will also contribute $1 million in cost-share funding, including equipment and labor costs.

The funding will create a new cybersecurity center based at Iowa State called CyDERMS, the Center for Cybersecurity and Resiliency of DERs and Microgrids-integrated Distribution Systems. DERs are distributed energy resources such as wind and solar farms or energy storage technologies. Microgrids are local DER grid systems that can be connected to or isolated from the larger grid. Closing or isolating grid connections can help maintain service during cyberattacks or damaging storms.

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