CampusEnergy2025 Abstract Submission Page

Call for Abstracts

CampusEnergy2025 will convene in Boston, MA.  For the 38th year, IDEA members will come together to share experiences, explore new solutions, and learn from each other. We invite you to submit an abstract for the chance to share your own story and earn valuable recognition from your industry peers.
Abstracts should be a short description of the presentation and must contain a project reference or case study. The purpose of the case study/project reference is to highlight a real world example relative to the abstract content. 
A maximum of two (2) submissions per speaker is allowed. 
Please do not submit abstracts for panel style sessions. 
If your abstract is accepted, all speakers & presenters are required to register and pay to attend the conference at the discounted speaker rate.
Conference presentations will take place on February 4-5, 2025. Standard presentations will be allotted 25 minutes including Q&A.
The submission deadline for abstracts is Thursday, August 1, 2024. 
To get started click the Submit Abstract button below and view the Call for Presentations for suggested presentation topics. 

Questions? Contact or call +1 508-366-9339